Friday, August 3, 2012

August 3

Hey Jesus! We haven't hung out in a while and I'm sorry about that. Last night at campaigners was pretty amazing and I will be very sad when it is over. I learn so much and feel that I get to contribute so many of my ideas. Its such an amazing thing. Kit was pretty awesome last night, and I really felt important to what we were taking about. I pray that I will get to work at Windy Gap this fall and that cheerleading wont interfere. I pray that you also give me the hunger I had for your word after Crooked Creek.
In your name, amen ❤

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22

Today I was reading in Luke about when the devil tempted You in the desert. And you spoke about how powerful the word of God is. I plan to start memorizing more bible verses so that I might be able to use them in times of trouble. I pray that you bless me in this endeavor and help me to remember your word.
In your name, amen ❤

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Good News

Good news can change everything.

Paul believed what he was doing was bringing him closer to God.

Religion vs. Relationship

Romans 1:16-17

The Parable of the Prodigal Son

Religion: doing all the right things for all the wrong reasons.

God loves us unconditionally.

Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13th

Dear Jesus,
Today I went to look at my senior pictures. It has truly sunken in that I am a senior. I need your guidance on where to go to college and all other decisions I'm going to have to make here shortly. I have been learning more and more about you and it's crazy the things you went through during your years on Earth. You did so much for those around you and you were ever so questioned. I love you Jesus. In your name I pray, amen. <3

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10th

Dear Jesus,
Today I spent some time reading in Mark. I was astonished to read that when you went to your hometown you couldn't perform miracles or preach the gospel because they didn't believe I you and their faith was small. It's crazy to think that even you were doubted by the people who you grew up with. Lord, I pray you can help me to see past what I think of people to see who they really are and what they can achieve. In your name I pray, amen. ❤

Letters of Encouragement

I absolutely love when my YoungLife leaders send those random thoughts of encouragement and love. <3

Monday, July 9, 2012

The day I gave my life back to Christ

June 22nd

Dear Jesus,
Today I asked you to be my life. Not a part of it, but all of it. I never understood before today how much you really loved and cared for me. Steve has opened my eyes to see what is true and amazing about you. I realized this week that I never reached out and touched You, I only bumped You from time to time. I want You to fill me with Yourself, because You are all I really need. The verse Lizzy told me has really resonated with me. I am perfectly made and You love me unconditionally. ILOVEYOUJESUS! In your name, amen <3